marți, 21 decembrie 2010

Vorbe de duh-Barney Stinson

A auzit cineva de Neil Patrick Harris?nu suna prea cunoscut stiu,dar cine se uita la How I Met Your Mother stie despre ce vb.El este actorul care il interpreteaza pe Barney Stinson,un personaj foarte tare,nu la fel de tare ca Charlie(2 barbati si jumatate)dar mai tare ca Sheldon(The Big Bang Theory)-Acesta este clasamentul meu in materie de personaje din seriale de comedie:D.
In fine,astazi facem top 10 vorbe de duh Barney Stinson(10 sunt putine pt ca defapt sunt foarte multe)
Pe primul loc,citatul meu preferat de altfel
A lie is just a great story that someone ruined with the truth ! 
Locul 2:
When i get sad,i stop being sad,and be awesome instead...True Story !
Locul 3:
Whenever I start feeling sick,i just stop being sick,and be awesome instead...True story again !:)))
Locul 4:
Have you met....(asa face lipeala la prietenii sai :)) ) 
Locul 5:
It's gonna be LEGEN....wait for it.....DARY ! :D
Locul 6:
There's one bone downstaires that aint't broken :))
Locul 7:
My suits are wearing me ! :)
Locul 8:
Do you know that song"mm-chaka,mm-chaka"what's that song called?oh right !it's called every Raggae song :))
Locul 9:
Think at me as Yoda,only instead of being small and green I wear suits and I'm awesome.I'm your Bro',I'm Broda :))
Locul 10:
We made love for 10 straights hours,when we were done,she applauded and told me I was far,far better than the best lover she could possibly imagine and that I restored her faith in God :))) 

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